Saturday, June 20, 2009

A saturday fence transplant

On a whim this morning we decided that we should move the fence about 8 or 9 feet away from the sidewalk. Pan has what some may refer to as a barking problem. There are lots of little kids in the neighborhood, and Pan likes to run up to them and bark like a maniac. The squirt gun used to work, but now he enjoys being squirted and it is no longer a feasible punishment. That area of yard is fully covered by a maple tree and has been unused for years. We figured if we move the fence back, Pan can't run up to little kids, and kids would then have to walk through part of the yard to see pan. If we plant a little garden in this area.... it will be a win win situation for everyone.

We expected that moving the fence would take up the full weekend, but we actually are 95% finished already. It was serious labor, and 89 degrees out... but the quick project is on it's way to working wonders for all of us. These are the in-progress pictures with our helper.

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